List of Accepted Highlights
- 205: Evidence for widespread association of mammalian splicing and conserved long range RNA structures. PI: Dmitri Pervouchine
- 206: A model for biased fractionation after whole genome duplication. PI: David Sankoff
- 207: The Three-Dimensional Architecture of a Bacterial Genome and Its Alteration by Genetic Perturbation. PI: Marc A. Marti-Renom
- 217: Differential oestrogen receptor binding is associated with clinical outcome in breast cancer. PI: Rory Stark
- 236: Increased methylation variation in epigenetic domains across cancer types. PI: Hector Corrada Bravo
- 242: Network-Based Prediction and Analysis of HIV Dependency Factors. PI: T. M. Murali
Highlights Track
We invite the submission of papers that have been published in a journal after October 13, 2010 or papers that are "in press" at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal web site. "Highlights" papers will be selected to be presented at the meeting by taking into consideration the impact of the work on the field, the likelihood that the work will make a good presentation, and the relevance to biomedical research in general. Submissions must contain a 250-word abstract, a link to the published journal version and the identity of the presenter, in case of a multi authored paper. Accepted presenters for the Highlights Track are required to make the presentation themselves, and must register and pay to attend the conference.
The deadline for submitting highlights.html was 13 January 2012.